An amazingly written heart-warming memoir, Yes, Again doesn't fail to wrench our hearts and tear up our eye corners every now and then. Recounting her journey of finding love(s), heartbreaks, losses, grief, perseverance, and pain, Yes, Again is more a tale of self-discovery and hope, rather than melancholy. Reading through Weissinger's path is a brilliant treat, and I loved every page of it.
Just another reader
Yes, Again has been honored with two prestigious awards!
First came The Gilda Prize from the Story Circle
Network, named in honor of comedian Gilda Radner.
Gilda memoirs are distinguished by their fresh voices,
their honesty, and their authenticity. They make us
laugh (even when we want to cry).
Then came The Next Generation Indie 2023 Book Awards
in the Memoirs (Personal Struggle/Health Issues) category.
This is the largest international awards program for
independent authors and publishers.
"A funny, touching, and ultimately uplifting story of a woman searching for love and purpose."—Kirkus Reviews
A memoir wholly unlike anything you’ve ever read, ‘Yes, Again: (Mis)adventures of a Wishful Thinker’ by Sallie Wiessinger starts at the end. Or, at least, I’m sure that is what Wessinger herself thought at that point in her life.
At the age of 57, Weissinger lost her husband of 24 years to esophageal cancer. Feeling lost and not sure what to do with herself, Weissinger took a year to mourn before deciding that she was not quite ready to hang up her hat and spend her twilight years alone.
Now, many of us are probably all too familiar with the concept of online dating. You make a profile, hope that someone likes what they see and contacts you, and then, with any luck go out on a date that doesn’t end in a restraining order.
But Weissinger choose to do online dating a little bit differently. Not only was she doing it well before the days of Tinder and Bumble (her husband passed in 2002 when online dating was still very much in its infancy) but she also established a list of rules for herself early on.
She would seek out a man that fit a certain list of criteria. He had to be emotionally stable, spiritual, religious (not or not very), adventurous, physically fit, a travel aficionado, intelligent, and have no monkey business.
As a lover of puzzles, Weissinger came up with an anagram for the first letter of each attribute. PASTRAMI was the anagram that she landed on, and from there on everything was gravy. Or…almost anyway. But you’ll have to read the book to find out what I mean by that.
‘Yes, Again,’ is an absolute riot. Both a celebration of life and a reminder that you are never too old to start over, this memoir is a win for book lovers everywhere.
—Gracie, Story Book Reviews
Weissinger celebrates her 75th birthday in Yes, Again by taking the reader on a tour of her big heart and where that heart has taken her. This glorious story of a life lived in love is the perfect read because it's hilarious, honest and full of hope. We are all lovers, or we wish we were and Sallie shows us how: never give up, occasionally give in and don't stop believing. Brava!
—Adriana Trigiani, Bestselling author of Tony's Wife
This captivating memoir of not giving up through profound losses, and leaning into the promise of good things to come, swelled my heart. With a chuckle and grit, Weissinger writes of her risky quest to find a new life and a new partner to love. With imagination and a sense of fun – and at times desperation – she creates a unique system she calls PASTRAMI to pursue this course. Her varied life experiences, including extended time in Peru and the Dominican Republic, her beginnings in New Orleans, and her current split residences in Berkeley and Portland make for intriguing reading. Pick up this book and see how she finds joy and delight!
—Marilee Eaves, Author of Singing Out Loud
I have spent decades writing about how to live well. In her book, Sallie Weissinger writes about something maybe even more important — how to love well. And she does so spectacularly. Hers is the book for everyone who has loved and lost, and wants to love again.
—Eugenia Killoran, Co-Author, The Pritikin Edge: 10 Essential Ingredients for a Long and Delicious Life
Linearity works for many things; however, in Sallie Weissinger's potent book (and even more potent life) she shows us how tapping into grace can be a tangible way of entering into mystery, meaning and direction. By recounting times of staggering loss, loneliness, self-doubt, perseverance and openness to the ineffable, Sallie demonstrates how the journey of life can be a glorious pathway, for those with a bit of daring!
—Bill Say, MA, Life coach, Process Work Diplomate, and instructor at CIIS, JFK University and the Wright Institute
After reading Sallie's soulful book, I would have to say this gifted writer got the love she wanted the old fashioned way – she earned it!
—Lacy J. Dalton, Singer and songwriter
This memoir gives us the fascinating story of a woman’s quest for a meaningful life. It is by turns charming, hilarious, heart-warming and tragic, and yet, in the end, it delivers hope. I don't ask for more.
—Lynn Freed, Award-winning novelist, short story writer, and essayist