An amazingly written heart-warming memoir, Yes, Again doesn't fail to wrench our hearts and tear up our eye corners every now and then. Recounting her journey of finding love(s), heartbreaks, losses, grief, perseverance, and pain, Yes, Again is more a tale of self-discovery and hope, rather than melancholy. Reading through Weissinger's path is a brilliant treat, and I loved every page of it.
Just another reader
Just another day in the Sacred Valley of Cusco, scrambling on 14th and 15th century Inca ruins.
Anthropologist-shaman-Renaissance man Theo, whose bell ringing, rattle shaking and beautiful baritone singing helped me find my calm place.
Catching my breath at Machu Picchu.
Hiking at altitudes of 9,000-12,000 feet above sea level, looking ahead at snow-capped mountains in the distance. We stopped every ten to fifteen steps to catch our breath and drank endless amounts of water.